Sony photography

A little reminder

Moments like these remind me why I love photography.

This man has been the subject of a lot of photographs that have been made by me and some of my friends over the last 5/6 years. I will never forget the first time Chase and I met George.. he was out on the streets playing his drums and singing a song about hope in the middle of November.. Since then, each time we've gotten the chance to see him he always has a massive smile on his face. He's been a reminder to me that no matter what your situation is, you can always have a positive outlook. Many of us out there need that reminder from time to time.

Anyway, I met with him Friday night and he asked my why he didn't have a picture that I had taken yet... for the life of me, I couldn't think of a valid reason. He'd inspired me, provided me with some of my favorite images and all I'd given him were some handshakes and a couple dollars. So, I decided it was time. I told him that if he could meet me downtown Minneapolis on Sunday around 4pm that I would have something for him. I got an image from Friday printed at Target photo (ps thank you to the staff for the pen and the kind words). The woman who handed me my image said his face and smile in the photo instantly made her smile and just all around happy to see that positivity radiate from George.

I just figured I would share this with you all... don't forget to keep a positive mindset, no matter how tough things can get.